
Friday, February 21, 2014

BIG Post: Veggies!

Well, all, it is that time of the week again!  Time to share our positive thoughts from this week!  You'll notice that the link is gone this week.  I've also decided that next week we will not be having a BIG (BUTs in Gear) post, but that we will start again on the first Friday of March and the link will be gone--I just want to see your comments and I'll keep the March post at the top of the blog all month long for you to add comments to! :)  This just makes things easier on me as I've got some other things in the works that need to be taken care of first and foremost. I hope you understand!

Okay, so this is what I did a little bit differently this week.  I ate better!  It was something that wasn't too hard for me, but I had noticed that I was slipping into some of my old bad eating habits and so I tried to nip those in the bud.  And do you know what?  I felt SO MUCH BETTER.  SO much better...and I was able to be more productive and happy.  I was able to let things slide instead of dwelling on things I can't change--which is the biggest issue I have at times.  It was marvelous! :)  Getting your daily fruit and veg and nutrients really makes a difference!  I bet I'm preachin' to the choir here...

So, what do you have for me this week?  Comment below--I love hearing what you've been doing to be a little bit happier and more positive each day!  HUGS to you all!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I'm offended!

I'm not really, I just wanted a catchy title.  Plus, I really want to have this discussion.  So I hope you will comment--constructively!

I've been thinking A LOT lately about different choice that can be made.  I do that sometimes...ok, all the time.  I analyze things and try to become better.  I really do.  I pray each day to know what Heavenly Father would like me to change and do differently and better.  It works.  I LOVE it.  I highly recommend it.

I feel like I'm digressing, let me get back to my point.  I find it interesting to observe how people react to each other.  I know that everyone is different but have you noticed that there are a few major personality types that emerge when people become offended? This has lead me to analyze myself when I become offended.

These are the four main reactions I see when someone is offended (for whatever reason):

1. The easy goer: This person just lets it roll off their back and continues to do the best they can.  They wonder if maybe there is truth in what was said.  If not, they just take it with a grain of salt for later use if needed.  They like to give people the benefit of the doubt and they are confident in their abilities as a child of God.  Sometimes they ask advice about situations from others, but people aren't mentioned, just situations and ideas.

2. The ignorer: This person ignores everything that offends them, but it bugs them in the back of their brain.  They try to come up with a solution, but when nothing comes, they shove their feelings down deep and ignore those, too.  Ignoring it usually ends in a huge blow up at some point.  Sometimes at someone who has nothing to do with the situation.

3. The whiner: This person just has to tell everyone and their dog about what happened.  The goal isn't to find a constructive solution, just to get everyone as miserable as they are.  While it is necessary to sometimes talk things out, to do so without a goal of finding a constructive fix is painfully pointless.  And sad.  And eventually lonely.

4. The destroyer: This person not only whines about what they feel is offensive, they actively seek to destroy other people.  Usually the person that offended them at first, but then they slowly section themselves off and do not see a need for change in themselves.  They want everyone to hate the offender--and if someone doesn't, everyone needs to hate that person, too.  This is the most vicious cycle.  And the destroyer is never happy and will never succeed because having that type of negative influence around is too much for anyone to handle all the time.

Ok, so after I had defined these ways of handling "offenses", I took a good hard look at myself.  I decided that any time I think I'm offended, I need to ask myself a few questions and then come to conclusions that logically follow the questions.  It turned into a flow chart thingy...

What do you think?  The one thing I didn't add was "difference of opinion" but I think that kinda goes along with "The person didn't mean it..." one because most people don't mean to have their opinions be offensive, and each is entitled to their own! Differences make us stronger, not weaker!

I also put the "I am doing something wrong" one at the top because I usually am not offended by a ton of stuff so if it's because I'm in the wrong, I need to change ASAP!

So, what are your thoughts on the subject?  How do you deal with being offended?  I really want to know--I want to learn more strategies to become better at handling it and becoming a happier person! :)  Comment below--I can't wait to read your ideas!

Friday, February 14, 2014

What a week! It's BIG (BUTs in Gear) time!

Whew.  It has been a week!  This week I decided to send some love notes out to my family because I realized that I don't use my talents to serve them as much as I should.  It was so fun designing cards specifically for each person in my family and I hope they like them!

I think sometimes we focus so much on serving those "around" us that we forget to serve those literally around us on a daily basis.  We all have talents that can benefit God's children and I think we should make sure that the main focus of that sharing is with those closest to us.  Strong families build a strong church family which builds a strong kingdom of God.

Instead of a print this week, 
I've got a photo of some of the love notes I made for my family.~

So now it's up to you to share with us!  What have you done this week that made the world a little more positive?  Share below!  I will stop by and leave you a little love.  I can't wait to hear your ideas!  HUGS and Happy Valentine's Day!


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Leaven: Good, Bad, Indifferent?

My husband and I had a discussion the other day about leaven.  Galatians 5:9 reads, "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump."  So, what does this mean?  After reading in the Bible dictionary about leaven, I had two thoughts.

I feel that most scriptures can be applied two ways--personally and for the world as a whole.  It is up to each of us to decide how to take each scripture into our hearts and utilize them in our lives.

For me as an individual, this scripture tells me that if I want to make changes in my life, even small changes for the better will make my life as a whole better.

What I learned about the world in this scripture verse is that it takes just a small amount of people striving to do the right thing to make a huge impact on the world.  I think of Abraham pleading with the Lord to save Sodom & Gomorrah for the righteous' sake.  God was willing to save the city if there were even just 10 righteous people found.  A righteous soul must be an incredibly strong force for good!

So, what do you think?  What are your feelings on this verse? I hope that you've found mine to be a little uplifting--then it will leaven your whole soul!

Please feel free to take this print as a reminder that small things can bring about big changes for good.  Make sure to use it for PERSONAL USE ONLY, though please!  HUGS and happy Wednesday to you all!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, Monday

Nope.  Nothing really good today.  It's a Monday! ;)  I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like certain days have moods associated with them and it is up to ME to make those moods true or false.  Does that make sense?  I think Mondays are usually equated with stress and being tired.  So, am I up to today's challenge?  I hope so!  I've got work to do!

Okay, I'm gonna share an old print here today because I'm currently doing so many projects that I *think* I might have over stretched myself. ;)   This is one of my faves, though!  I hope it reaches someone new today!

Feel free to use this print FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.  HUGS and HAPPY Monday to you all!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Weekly BIG Post!

Hi, all!  Welcome to another weekly BIG (BUTs in Gear) post for me!  How was your week?  What did YOU do to be more positive?  It could be for you personally, in your relationship with your spouse, with your kids, with friends, with non-friends...let's share and inspire one another with our fabulous ideas!!!  I'll share mine and then you can link up your in the linky below--I cannot wait to read what you've done this week! :)

So, this week I didn't do terribly much except try to inspire myself.  I know this sounds a bit selfish, but I have noticed that by taking care of ME (going to bed early, getting up early, reading my scriptures and other uplifting articles, viewing inspirational and motivational media), I can better help those around me!  So, I've made a print with a quote I found this weekend that I LOVE.  And it's free for your PERSONAL USE! :)

I've also got a little story to share with you about a tender mercy that I think happened because I've been trying to take care of myself more.  I decided that I needed to find time to use my talents to spread love to others.  I have loads more time now that I'm better rested and so I joined a card swap.  I'm SO excited to get to send my card out and it will benefit not only me, but the person receiving it!  Something so small can lead to such BIG results, you know?! 

Okay, now it's your turn!  What did you do differently this week?  I can't wait to hear from you!  HUGS and happy weekend to you all!


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Punny Valentines

Okay, is it just me or are punny Valentine's the absolute best?!  I LOVE them!  And I wanted to make a Valentine for each child at church but didn't want to spend money on the card and the candy, so I made my own puns!  And I'm gonna share them with you!  You can find the document of ALL of them HERE.

Here's one of my faves~

And another sample~

And just one more~

That's right, these are all in a document for you, along with other ones!  There's a total of 24 Valentines.  Oh my word, I LOVE them!  You'll have to download the document to see them all, but here's a list of all the puns I came up with...

  1. You are the apple of my eye, Valentine!
  2. Please bee mine, Valentine!
  3. I think you're tweet, Valentine!
  4. Fluttering by with a Valentine hi!
  5. You take the cake, Valentine!
  6. A very cherry Valentine's!
  7. I think you are grape, Valentine!
  8. You are so sweet, Valentine!
  9. You are one in a melon, Valentine!
  10. I mustache you to be my Valentine!
  11. I'm nuts about you, Valentine!
  12. You're a peach, Valentine!
  13. We make a great pear, Valentine!
  14. We are two peas in a pod, Valentine!
  15. You stole a pizza my heart, Valentine!
  16. You're so cool, Valentine!
  17. You're a star, Valentine!
  18. You are so berry sweet, Valentine!
  19. You are my sunshine, Valentine!
  20. Please donut break my heart, Valentine!
  21. You're just write, Valentine!
  22. You make me go bananas, Valentine!
  23. You can't be beet, Valentine!
  24. I soda like you, Valentine!
Yep.  That's all.  So very punny!  I LOVE IT!  I'm debating on whether to print them on white, cream, or kraft many choice!

I hope you like my offering today!  Please feel free to use these Valentines FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY!  HUGS and happy printing to you all! :)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Sweetie Pie Tags

Hi, friends!  A quick post with a freebie for you! :)  I'm currently making a bunch of little tags for some Valentine's Day goodies and I thought I'd share the document with you in case you'd like to make them, too!

Here's what the first layer circle looks like~

And a completed tag~
(Sorry about the poor Instagram photo...)

And click HERE to download a sheet of these!  I printed mine off on cardstock.  I then punched out the first layer circles with a 1.25" circle punch and layered that on a red 1 3/8" circle punch then a scallop circle punch.  They'll be tied on with some baker's twine!  These will be used around pies on a stick, but you could use them for many things! :)

That's all for me today!  Feel free to grab this free file FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY!  HUGS and happy printing, friends!