I know that MY Redeemer lives! That's right. I have a personal Savior who knows EVERY hurt, EVERY care, EVERY worry, EVERY sorrow, EVERY sin, but also EVERY joy, EVERY good work I perform, EVERY loving act bestowed upon me, and EVERY good gift is from HIM. I am so blessed! We all are! We all have the same Savior, but He is our personal Savior as well!
I know that my Redeemer lives;
What comfort this sweet sentence gives
He lives, He lives who once was dead
He lives, my everliving Head
He lives to bless me with His love
He lives to plead for me above
He lives, my hungry soul to feed
He lives to bless in time of need.
He lives to grant me rich supply
He lives to guide me with His eye
He lives to comfort me when faint
He lives to hear my soul's complaint.
He lives to silence all my fears
He lives to wipe away my tears
He lives to calm my troubled heart
He lives all blessings to impart
He lives, my kind, wise, heavenly Friend
He lives and loves me to the end
He lives, and while He lives I'll sing
He lives, my Prophet, Priest and King
He lives and grants me daily breath
He lives and I shall conquer death
He lives, my mansion to prepare
He lives to bring me safely there.
He lives, all glory to His name
He lives, my Savior, still the same
Oh sweet the joy this sentence gives
I know that my Redeemer lives
He lives, all glory to His name
He lives, my Savior, still the same
Oh sweet the joy this sentence gives
I know that my Redeemer lives.
Music: Lewis Edwards 1858-1921

I am also submitting this to the Little Birdie Blessings Scripture Thursday challenge: God's Love. The greatest act of God's love was to send His Only Begotten Son to save the rest of His children from sin. What an amazing Father! I hope you like the print.
You can click on it to enlarge it, save it, and print it--it is yours FREE! Please just follow the guidelines of my Printing Policy, found at the bottom of this blog. Blessed creating!!!
Hi Mynnette, lovely project! Thanks so much for linking this to Scripture Thursday. ~ Abby
What a beautiful project and post-how glorious it is to reflect on the hope we have in our risen savior!
Hi Mynnette
I love your project... the subtle colours. Also love your blog name! It's bril! What an encouragement your post is this week... Thank you for sharing your loving thoughts regarding the Lord and holding up your shield of faith which is an encouragement to others in the midst of the spiritual battle which wars around us.
This is lovely Mynnette! Beautiful colors. Thank you for sharing this with us at Word Art Wednesday.
I love this post and the project! Just beautiful. Thanks so much for your kind comment at my blog.
Hi Mynette: Very beautiful work again this week - as always!!! We're always SO blessed to have you with us at Word Art Wednesday to share your beautiful art work and your love for the Lord. I noticed the song/video above. I didn't know if you were Mormon, or if you just happened to love the Gospel Tabernacle Choir. Just curious, I guess. Anyway, thanks SO MUCH for being a blessing to Word Art Wednesday.
Absolutely beautiful......love the colours!!!
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