
Monday, November 26, 2012

Ask the missionaries...

So, I was very grateful for Elder Nelson's talk because I never really thought of asking the missionaries to help me with things other than moving furniture or teaching a non-member friend.  Seriously.  Don't laugh!  I just never had...and his talk has made me realize that all of the things that are required of missionaries are also required of us.  So really, when he told us to ask the missionaries because they can help, doesn't that apply to us all?

I'm currently trying to be more watchful and prayerful about my ability to serve others.  I feel that I have not done a good job in the past and that I could widen my sphere of influence for good in a way that would please the Lord.  Because this is a personal matter, I won't share specifics, but I do feel a great difference in my life and I feel so much happier and blessed because of the opportunities that have come my way to serve those around me!

Also, this talk brought back memories of an adult session of Stake Conference that we had a little while ago.  We had an Area 70 with us and he did something that I found very thought provoking.  He asked the full time missionaries to stand.  The missionaries that had been called to our mission all stood.  He stated that he felt that he had been misunderstood.  He said that these were the part time missionaries.  They would only be in our area between 18 and 24 months before leaving and returning home.  He asked them to sit.  He then asked for those who were living in our are full time to stand.  We all stood.  Then he explained that we were the true full time missionaries in our area.  That really got me thinking.

Anyway, I created this printable with the missionary name tag in mind.  I want to print it out and put it somewhere I can see it on a regular basis so that it reminds me to ask for help when I need it and also to remind me that I need to be more aware of how I can serve as a member missionary.  I hope you can use it, too!

Here it is~

Please feel free to use it FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.  More disclaimers and policies about printing can be found under the tab above.  Happy printing! :)  And stay tuned...there are more General Conference prints to come! :)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Living a Pain Free Life

Have you ever gone through an experience that was excruciatingly painful for you to endure?  It could be physical, mental, emotional pain, whatever.  I know that you've all felt this way before.  I have had these times in my life.  It helps me to appreciate the good times more but it also helps me to come closer to God. 

I was talking with a sweet co-worker today about losing someone that you love--particularly someone that is young and shouldn't be leaving this life so early.  We both agreed that all trials in our lives are there to help us to come closer to our Savior.  The most wonderful part about this is that when we rely on the Savior and allow ourselves to be comforted by the knowledge of hope that comes from faith in His Atonement, our pain can be taken away. 

That is the message of this talk by Elder Shayne M. Bowen.  It is an excellent read for all of us--whether or not we are going through something painful at this time.  It reiterates to each of us that our lives do not end when we leave this earth!  Families and individuals are eternal beings.  We will be reunited with our loved ones that have passed before us if we endure to the end in living the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I know that this is true.

I've used on of my favorite parts of this talk to make a printable that you can have as a reminder of this important eternal truth.

Here it is~

Feel free to use it for personal use only.  For more disclaimers and guidelines for using my digital artwork, please consult the tab up top.  Happy printing! :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Importance of the Holy Ghost

I think that people {or maybe just me, myself, and I} take the inspiration that comes from God's Holy Spirit for granted.  The Gift of the Holy Ghost can become such an amazing blessing in our lives!  This quote from Elder Craig C. Christensen's talk says it better than I can...

Here's the printable I've made for it~

I know that this talk made me want to do better each day so that I can have the constant companionship and power that comes from allowing the Holy Ghost to be a part of my life.  Who doesn't want the blessings promised in this quote?!

Please feel free to use this print for personal use!  Happy printing! :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Know it, Love it, Live it!

I'm back!  Sorry for the long delay, I'm trying to sort out my life after my laptop died! ;)

I'm sure that this is probably one of the most loved quotes from this past General Conference, and so I wanted to do something a bit different.  I wanted to go elegant and just make the statements bold as a reminder to myself to BE this each and every day!

Here's the print~

And here's a little something else for you if you want--if you email me at and tell me what color you'd like instead of the yellow green I used, I will personalize this for you!  

I hope that you find this printable inspiring!  Please feel free to use this for PERSONAL USE ONLY.  Thanks, and happy printing! :)