
Sunday, March 11, 2018

Divine Design

Happy Sunday, friends! This week's post was inspired by Elder Ronald A. Rasband's talk, "Divine Design", given last fall in the October 2017 General Conference. Elder Rasband discusses the term "coincidence" and how there are no true coincidences in our lives. Each detail is looked down upon by a loving Heavenly Father, intent on meeting His children's needs in the only way He is able--through each of us.

Here is the print it inspired.

This topic is near and dear to my heart. As I try to reflect on my life regularly, I can see the hand of the Lord guiding me to where He needs me to be. It amazes me that He can use not only my choices, but the choices of others (both good and bad), to further His work.

Here is just one chain of events in my life that has been a blessing, all guided by the Lord:
  1. Marry my husband in the temple. (Honestly, all good things since this choice have come because of this choice).
  2. Husband encourages me to take time to work in schools to see if teaching is what I want to do.
  3. Work as a paraeducator for a few years, praying to know when to go back to school.
  4. Husband receives a promotion and I become aware of a program to help me receive a teaching degree from my dream school.
  5. Quit job, start school.
  6. Complete school part of degree, enter student teaching.
  7. Have experiences in my student teaching that directly taught me things I would need later in my job.
  8. Stress about finding a job and whether I am being too picky about where I am applying.
  9. Get job three weeks after graduating.
  10. Start job, it's incredibly difficult, but because I was picky I have support that I need.
  11. Pray daily to find those who need to be helped. 
  12. Find numerous ways to serve in my school.
This was a long and drawn out process, but I am grateful for it. There are so many stories behind each item on the list, I can't even begin to tell you how much God has helped guide my life! So here's my invitation to you--how has the Lord guided you recently? Once you start writing it, you might be surprised to see how far back it goes! I encourage you to do this. Write it down, then give thanks! Even in our darkest hours, there is hope glimmering if we can see that the Lord has a plan for us. Have a blessed week, all!

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