
Saturday, November 5, 2016

The 3 Bears of Baptism: Poster/Handouts!

Hi, friends!  I was blessed to be able to attend the baptism of a very dear friend's son this morning, and lead the music.  We, of course, gave him our signature baptism gift--gummy bears with "The 3 Bears of Baptism" label I shared previously.  He loved the gift, and that spurred me to think about preparing some visuals with each "bear" should I ever be asked to give a talk or teach a lesson about this topic in primary.  So...I created some posters and handouts that go along with them!

I created three 8.5" x 11" posters and three 2.5" x 3.5" handouts, along with a combined handout that is 7.5" x 3.5".  Each background coordinates with a primary color, and I tried to match the "bear" to the color that stands for the same thing.  

So, red is for courage ("bear" the name of Christ)... 

...yellow is for service ("bear" one another's burdens)...

...and blue is for truth ("bear" your testimony).  

You can access the files HERE.  Enjoy, friends!  :)

 photo Signature copy_1.png


  1. Thank you so much! The printables are very cute and perfect for a talk I am giving

  2. Thank your for making the prints easy to print.
