
Friday, February 7, 2014

Weekly BIG Post!

Hi, all!  Welcome to another weekly BIG (BUTs in Gear) post for me!  How was your week?  What did YOU do to be more positive?  It could be for you personally, in your relationship with your spouse, with your kids, with friends, with non-friends...let's share and inspire one another with our fabulous ideas!!!  I'll share mine and then you can link up your in the linky below--I cannot wait to read what you've done this week! :)

So, this week I didn't do terribly much except try to inspire myself.  I know this sounds a bit selfish, but I have noticed that by taking care of ME (going to bed early, getting up early, reading my scriptures and other uplifting articles, viewing inspirational and motivational media), I can better help those around me!  So, I've made a print with a quote I found this weekend that I LOVE.  And it's free for your PERSONAL USE! :)

I've also got a little story to share with you about a tender mercy that I think happened because I've been trying to take care of myself more.  I decided that I needed to find time to use my talents to spread love to others.  I have loads more time now that I'm better rested and so I joined a card swap.  I'm SO excited to get to send my card out and it will benefit not only me, but the person receiving it!  Something so small can lead to such BIG results, you know?! 

Okay, now it's your turn!  What did you do differently this week?  I can't wait to hear from you!  HUGS and happy weekend to you all!


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