
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Love, Love, Love

Love is all you need!  Literally.  If you have the love of God, you have everything you need!  And, yes, it is a catchy song, too. ;)  So, I've made 2 prints--that's right, TWO-- for your home decorating pleasure!

Here they are~

I think that it is SO important to remember that no matter what, you have the love of God.  He is a perfect person who loves His children perfectly.  I really appreciated this talk by President Thomas S. Monson in last October's General Relief Society meeting.

Pres. Monson stated, "...your Heavenly Father loves you—each of you. That love never changes. It is not influenced by your appearance, by your possessions, or by the amount of money you have in your bank account. It is not changed by your talents and abilities. It is simply there. It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there."

Isn't that beautiful?  God's love is just THERE.  Always!  But why is it that we can't always feel it?  I think I know the answer.  Because I've lived it.  It was a problem with ME.  I wasn't striving to feel God's love for me!  I was pushing Him away!

Each time we sin, we are telling God that we know better than He does.  We are like a teenager shutting the door on a concerned parent.  

Sometimes God cannot be with us because we let our lives follow paths He cannot enter because they are less than perfect. He has to withdraw His Spirit.  Luckily for us, that same Spirit and His love are waiting for us when we enter back into the straight way.

So here's my question for you.  What do you do to feel God's love more fully in your life?  I know the common answers--prayer, scripture reading, etc.  I'd love to hear a specific story from you or another way that you've felt God's love in your life!  I am hoping to create a community where we can share and strengthen each other here, so please make sure to keep all comment respectful.

Also, grab these prints FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY!  You know that other disclaimers and policies are up top if you need to refer to them! ;)

HUGS to you all--be back a bit later with one last Valentine print for you this week!


  1. Beautiful, just beautiful, great decor for any home.

    Patricia x

  2. Hi Mynn - love your card - that chalkboard technique works so well for it. And your bows are awesome - I can never figure out how to do one well...
