
Friday, January 31, 2014

First Weekly BIG Link Up!

Hi, friends!  It's time for our first BIG (BUTs In Gear) linky party!  The guidelines are totally simple--just link up something from your blog or other online presence that shares how you've tried to be a little more positive this week and how you were successful!  It can be something as small as smiling more!  I just want to hear the good news about how it all went down--and so does everyone else!  If we join each other in being more positive, we can support and lift each other to higher levels! :)

Here's my BIG news this week--I decided it was high time that I acted like a friend to all those Facebook friends I have out there.  My intention was to just post a "thinking of you, have a great day" note on a few walls, but I ended up putting it on about 50 friends' walls.  Did I hear back from all of them?  Nope...but one conversation really made my day!  A friend that hasn't been to church in a while asked what time it was and then said she'd missed me!  WHAT?!  This is fabulous news!  And we decided to go to lunch sometime soon--you know I'll jump on that soon!  It was so fun to catch up with a few others who commented and it made me realize how easy it is to drift away from friendships.  I'm going to try harder to make sure everyone on my FB friends list know that they are my friend for a reason! :)  It also taught me that the smallest acts of kindness and service can lead to BIG results!  Hence today's free printable. :)

So, now it's your turn!  What did you do differently this week--with yourself, your family, your friends, your "enemies"?  How has it helped you be more positive?  Link it up below and I'll come and leave you some love!  You've got until next Thursday and then next Friday another new link up will be ready for you!  And feel free to grab my free printable and the badge up top, too!  Please make sure you use the print FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY and not for retail purposes!  HUGS to you all!


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