
Friday, December 21, 2012

Promises of the Book of Mormon

I've got another General Conference quote to share with you today!!!  This one is from Elder Hawk's talk found HERE about the importance of the Book of Mormon in regards to the House of Israel.

Here's the print I made~

I love reading The Book of Mormon.  As I have served in different Church callings, The Book of Mormon has answered many questions I've had regarding my responsibilities.  Each time I've had a question about something, the answer came as I prayed and studied The Book of Mormon.  It helps in my daily life as well and I feel closer to my Father in Heaven and Savior as I read the words of the ancient prophets that were written for our day.

I know that it is a true book of scripture intended for us in the latter days and that men will learn about Christ and His gospel as they study it's precepts.  I feel so grateful and blessed to live in a day where each of us can have our own personal copy of this important volume of scripture.  I hope that you will take time to read it and pray to know if it is true.  I also hope that reading it will help you as it has helped me and will continue to help me in the future.

Please feel free to use this printable for PERSONAL USE ONLY.  More information about disclaimers and printing policies can be found under the tab at the top of this blog.  Happy printing!

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