
Thursday, October 11, 2012

General Conference Printables: Honey Bees

***This is the first post in a series of General Conference Printables that I will be posting.  Stay tuned for more free prints that uplift and inspire!***

Hello!  Long time, right?  I know.  Sorry about that!  I've been trying to come up with a way to balance everything I want to do in my life.  It's been super hard!  But, now I'm back, and I've got 2 printables to share!

This past General Conference,  Elder M. Russel Ballard gave an AMAZING talk entitled "Be Anxiously Engaged." In it, he tells us about the miracle that is a hive of honeybees.  Did you know that each bee only gives 1/12 of 1 teaspoon of honey during its entire life (about 4 weeks)?  The point was that we all need to be anxiously engaged in a good cause and that every little bit is what contributes to the whole. 

We read about being anxiously engaged in Doctrine & Covenants 58:27.  I've made two printables with this scripture--it's one of my favorites!!!

Here they are~

I've made them in two different styles hoping that they will be well used!  Please take them and use them FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.  More information about using my printables can be found under the tab up top.  Happy printing!

PS: More will come...

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