
Monday, September 17, 2012

Mynnette's Musings: Share Your Leftover Candy!

The Parable of the Left-over Halloween Candy

I tend to go a bit nuts on buying Halloween candy.  I want to be prepared to have a lot on hand to give out to our trick or treaters.  The problem is, I usually get more than we need and it ends up staying in our cabinet getting stale until the next year unless I throw it out.  I don’t even think about giving it out to other people who may like it but didn’t come to our house to trick or treat!
This is how our testimony can become if we’re not aware.  It’s easy to get up on fast Sunday and to share our testimony for those who have come to hear them.  It is not so easy to share our testimony with those who may like it, but didn’t come that week but do need it!  If we don’t continually share our testimony each day and not just present it to those who come to hear it on fast Sunday.  We can do this by living the gospel, talking to those around us about gospel topics that we have a testimony of or just testifying that Christ loves everyone by doing simple acts of service.  I hope that instead of letting our testimonies go stale, we share it and don’t waste it and let it become stale!

Related scriptures: John 3:11, Acts 10:42, 1 Timothy 2:5-6, 1 John 4:14, Alma 5:45-46, D&C 17:3, D&C 88:81.

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