
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Class Rules Template


A sweet reader asked me if I had a template of my class rules for CTR 4 & 5.  Nope, I didn't!  BUT, I've made one that you are able to use, if you'd like it!  I hope it helps you!  Find the rules template HERE! AND, just in case you missed it, HERE are my Classroom Management tips complied using Church handbooks and materials.  Have a restful Sabbath! :)


  1. THANK YOU!!! I printed it out this morning and will be using it today. I love all the ideas I've found here. I don't know much about computers, so I'm very grateful when people make something and share it. You are much appreciated. :)

  2. I didn't find the compiled list that you put together from church handbooks and other materials. Would you email it to me? grahamfam at hotmail dot com. I am really liking your classroom management helps!
