
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rethinking the wheel/BVT116

OR, rethinking the blog! I've decided this blog needs a new face lift! SOOOOOO....I've decided to make it my digital art blog as well as my poetry blog! To start off this new transformation, I am submitting the above digital art to the Bible Verse Thursday challenge! :) Details found here.

I used some of my wonderful digital elements by Dustybear and Adobe Photoshop as my supplies. :) The verse is Psalm 5:3. It's about prayer. I'm grateful that I found this blog and that I'll be able to play along, even if I'm not a member (YET). Happy crafting! :)


  1. This is a beauty. I think I somehow missed this one. I enjoy doing digital work as well. I love the vintage look. Thanks for participating in the Bible Verse Thursday projects. It's great to have new people participate.

    Love your blog header. ~ Abby
