
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Some Thoughts...

This is just me journaling. :)

With school being back in session and my feelings of being overloaded, I have neglected writing here on this blog.  I know I don't have many followers, but the point is that I usually write here for ME.  And I tend to put myself last when it comes to "Things To Do".  Yes, I know that going to school is technically for me, but my reason for finishing my degree is to help other people.

I have a hard time saying no to things that are important for others, even if it makes me sacrifice time for things like eating or spending time with my husband.  I am working on this.  There needs to be balance in our lives in order for each of us to be successful.  It has been hard letting go of things that I want to do in exchange for things that are more vitally important right now.  As I have relied on the Spirit to guide me, I have made decisions that have drastically improved my situation and helped me to accomplish things I need to do for myself and still help those around me.  Even those these decisions are heartbreaking at times, I feel more at peace now, halfway into the semester, than I did at the beginning.  This helps me know I've made the right decision.

The General Women's Meeting at the end of last month was incredibly inspiring to me.  The very first talk, by Sis. Wixom, about our Divine Potential was beautiful.  It could have made me shut off, with the talk about giving birth at the beginning, but I can see such an amazing correlation between the act of birth and what our Spirits go through leaving Heavenly Father that I was fascinated.  No other mention about how each woman MUST give birth was even hinted at.  My favorite quote from that talk: "We have come to this earth to help build His kingdom and to prepare for the Second Coming of His Son, Jesus Christ."  NO generalization.  The fact that this quote allows for agency left me feeling happy and uplifted.  The meeting just got better as it went along.

I have enjoyed starting my journey into "ponderizing" the scriptures.  I feel that it is helping me keep them closer each day.  I usually read them twice a day, but I find myself revisiting the scripture I chose for the week to see if I can glean more inspiration from it.  I chose to take all of my ponderize scriptures from the New Testament because the later books are more difficult for me to understand.  It was been a wonderful experience.

I am excited to get to start on these new conference talks for my weekly study! :)  That's all for now.  I will hopefully be back again sometime soon.

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