
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Act Now, or Forever Hold Your Peace

Okay, so looking at the title, just know I was trying to be clever and it probably failed.  But, there you have it! ;)  I have had some major life changing events happen over the past few months and so I wanted to share what I have learned.  I won't be going into detail about what led me to the knowledge, just let this sink in and think about it.

I think that in a world where uncertainty is a common feeling, we lack the courage to act.  I'm talking on a daily basis.  Raise your hand if you've ever thought or felt one of these things:

  1. If I go and talk to that person, they might think I'm crazy.
  2. I should call them, but what if they take it the wrong way?
  3. It's easier to do nothing, then there will be no conflict.
  4. I'll just ignore it.  It will go away.
  5. If I decide to say what I really think, what will others think about me?
Okay, so how many things?  If it's even just one, I hope to inspire you to change your though process today!  Even if you don't believe everything I write, I hope that you learn something that changes your perspective and helps you grow.  Let's break these down one by one.  Here are my arguments for action:
  1. You're not crazy, right?  Or, aren't we all a little crazy?!  What if they truly needed someone to just recognize and notice that they were there?  We all need to be seen.  Go and connect!
  2. Are your intentions good?  Is it your desire to do good?  Then even if they take your service the wrong way, it will be counted to your benefit.  God can only bless those who act.  Bless yourself as you bless others?
  3. Without conflict, there is not growth.  Moving forward means embracing the conflict and finding a resolution.  If both parties do nothing, nothing changes.  You're right--if you're the only one willing to change, the relationship does not change.  But you do.  Be willing to change yourself--you can't make a difference without starting with you!
  4. Ignoring things don't make them disappear.  Unkind feelings, that mess in your room, the feeling that you aren't well--those do not just disappear because you ignore it.  They can get worse.  Doing nothing is the antithesis of growth.  Stagnant water, it's not drinkable.  Be the water that cleanses--cleanse your life!
  5. Who cares?  Honestly.  I'm not being trite, but who cares?  What if there was one, just ONE, person who needed to hear your opinion.  Your life matters.  Your opinion matters.  We live in a world where we need diversity, yet it isn't truly tolerated or valued.  Be the one and only you--the right person/people will benefit!
And that's all for now.  I'm sorry that I'm still up in the air about posting.  I am trying to fit it all in and so my thoughts blog gets the brunt of it.  I do make lists of topics that I want to write about, so stay tuned!  One day they'll be here for you to read. ;)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

False Prophets, Sometimes Known as Friends

There was an interesting conversation going on recently about false prophets and our need to stay away from them.  I understand that many people in leadership positions can lead people astray, but I think that in order to avoid false prophets, we need to know what the term really means.  I believe it's more than those in power leading their followers astray.  I think it happens on a daily basis in our lives if we are not careful.

I find the verse I used in my header very insightful.  It comes from The Book of Mormon in 3 Nephi 14:15.  The full verse reads, "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." If we think about this verse, a false prophet is just someone who really doesn't want what is best for you.  Do you let these people into your life?  Are you one of these people?

There are a few ways that people act as false prophets in our lives and we allow it, as well as ways we act as false prophets to others.  This is something that I am working on now ever since I had this thought.  Here are some ways I believe we or other people act as false prophets that we might not consider:

  1. Supporting each other in unkind feelings.
  2. Telling someone they would be justified in abusive acts, whether emotional, verbal, or physical.
  3. Laughing at actions that are not funny.  I'm not talking about someone tripping and they start the laughing, I'm talking laughing at a sarcastic comment that was made after someone tried to bear their soul.  Or laughing at a joke that was told in bad taste.  You get the drift.
  4. Expressing blanket statements as if they are truth for everyone.  We all have our own journey, worry about yours more than others.
  5. Refusing to see the other side of a story.
I could go on, but these are the things I've been thinking of lately.  There is a reason why these constitute actions of false prophets.  It's because they are perpetuating false doctrines and are not Christlike.  False prophets speak false principles.

Now, I'm not sitting here judging others from some castle where I feel that I am better than others.  I fall into these same issues at times in my life as well.  The question is, what can we do about it?  I think the answer is simple to state, but hard to truly put into action.  The answer is this: Love One Another.

That's all for me today.  I've disabled comments again because this post is meant for reflection.  If you'd like to email me your thoughts, you may do so.  I'll be back soon with another post!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Love & Loyalty

I'm a pretty visual learner.  Sometimes things are told to me, and I just forget them.  When I see something, though, it usually sticks.  There are times when I'm scrolling through social media and something screams to me, "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!  I'M IMPORTANT!"  That's what happened with the graphic below.  Read it and then think about it for just a little bit.  Then read my feelings about this quote...

Loyalty is a tricky thing to accomplish sometimes.  Sometimes someone we are loyal towards has disappointed us. OUCH.  That really hurts, doesn't it?  But I think that loyalty overcomes that disappointment.  I want to break down loyalty that should occur in our daily lives.  Hopefully I say something that makes you think! :)

Firstly, we should be loyal to God. This means keeping all covenants that we have made with Him.  It also means trusting His wisdom as we go through life.  This is difficult at times due to the fact that life is HARD.  Now, don't tell me you're life is all lollipops and rainbows.  I will not believe you.  Life is HARD.  Life is MESSY.  Life throws MAJOR curve-balls at us.  But, if we are working on becoming our best selves and keeping the commandments, we should be loyal to God and His plan for us.

Next, we should be loyal to ourselves.  This can be the hardest thing to do, especially for us women.  The truth of the matter, though, is that you cannot truly love someone and be loyal to them unless you love yourself and are loyal to yourself first.  You have to know that, as you are keeping commandments and trying your best, you will be guided in your life.  Nobody should make you question your motives if you know they are done for good.  Nobody can make you feel worthless without your permission.  DO NOT GIVE IT TO THEM.

Third of all, let's talk about loyalty to our spouse.  It is very tempting at times to complain about what your significant other does.  I believe that if you share a concern with your spouse, it strengthens the relationship.  Sometimes your spouse is not willing to work on the issue.  Give them time.  Continually lift them up and speak kindly about them to others.  If the issue at hand is vitally important, seek guidance from one confidential source.  Do not spread your heartbreak and disappointment around.  This can lead to so many more problems.  When you were married, you made promises.  Be the person who keeps them, even when it is hard.  

In addition to our spouse, we should be loyal to our entire family.  You carry a name that has been passed down for generations.  What do other people think about that name?  Do your actions make them want to be a part of your family?  Does your behavior set a good example for others?  Do you speak kindly about and to your children?  Your parents?  Your siblings?  Your other family members?  If not, consider making a change.  Families are meant to help and lift each other.  If you don't have this in your family, YOU be the change you want to see!  As you become more loyal to your family name, others in your family will follow suit.

Our friends are also people who deserve our loyalty.  A true friendship is a rare find.  It's like tripping over a giant diamond when you were out for your daily walking of the dog.  If you want to build friendships that are based in loyalty, they have to begin with positive ground.  You cannot have a genuine friendship over a mutual dislike of something or someone.  When you show your negative side first, that is what will stick in the mind of the person with whom you are acquainting yourself.  They will remember this the first time they do something remotely annoying and flee in fear that your judgment will turn on them.  Don't be that person.  Be the person who is kind and loving, who sees the good in all.  Be loyal to those you call friend.  Do not allow others to speak unkindly about them.  Stand up for them and be true.

Finally, I want to talk about something that you may not have thought of.  If you work, it is necessary to be loyal to your employer.  This doesn't mean you have to agree with everything they do, but it does mean keeping your commitments.  Being on time, only taking time off when it is necessary, having a good attitude, and being a good follower are ways to be loyal to your employer.  When you hear someone complaining about the boss, either walk away or say something positive!  Don't get dragged down by the office gossip that happens all too frequently.  Be loyal to the person you work for.  It always pays off!

I know that we could spend time talking about each and every relationship that we have and the role that loyalty plays, but we won't take that time today.  I know that I'll be spending more time pondering this topic and I hope you will, too!  Leave me a comment to let me know your thoughts--I love to learn and grow from you all! Until next time, please remember that: