
Monday, April 16, 2012

Psalm 28:7

Hello, friends!  I have a new digital print to share with you all again.  It uses this week's Word Art Wednesday scripture: Psalm 28:7.

Here it is~

A few thoughts on the subject, as per my usual blog routine. :)  I love the words of the Psalms.  The poetry puts the feelings of my heart into words that are perfect.  I come from a family that is very big into music and we all sing and most of us play an instrument.  As I was learning to be a better musician, I heard a statistic that almost 100% of songs are written either about love, or God.  Well, I believe that this is true!  I have always felt closest to God when singing His praises!  Music is such a wonderful gift from our Father in Heaven, and I am grateful that in His mercy, He has allowed me to partake in this gift while I live here on earth!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week--my weekend was a little harrowing as the tornadoes literally missed us by a few miles.  BUT, we are safe.  I know that our prayers were answered!  Oh, and please feel free to print this--just follow the guidelines found at the bottom of my blog. :)  Happy printing!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Strength Comes From My Savior

This is my submission for this week's Word Art Wednesday: Psalm 18:2 and Scripture Thursday Link Party: Be of Good Cheer.

I don't know of a better reason to be of good cheer--our Savior has paid the price for our sins, and we can all be made free!  I'm so grateful for this Easter season that helps me to remember all that God has given me.  I hope you'll indulge me and let me share a few more thoughts about this scripture in light of Easter.

The Lord is my rock: My Savior brings me comfort through the knowledge that He paid not only for my sins, but also knows my sorrow personally.  He suffered ALL pain and grief for each of us, making Him our sure foundation. {Isaiah 53:4}

The Lord is my fortress, and my deliverer: Jesus Christ brings me divine protection through His Atonement.  Because of His infinite Atonement, I can have protection from sin as I strive each day to live the Gospel and become a better person. {Numbers 14:9}

The Lord is my whom I trust: What does the word God mean to you?  To me, it means a perfect being. A Personage that can be trusted completely.  An unchanging Friend that will never let you down.  This perfectly describes our Savior. {Hebrews 2:13}

The Lord is my strength: I know that through the Atonement of my Savior, my weaknesses can become my strengths.  I can become perfected in Him.  I can have the strength to stand for truth and righteousness each day in any situation I find myself when I put my trust in Him! {Ether 12:27}

The Lord is my buckler: The definition of a buckler is a round shield or protector.  Jesus Christ protects me spiritually from sin and emotionally from sorrow through His Atonement. {Isaiah 54:17}

The Lord is the horn of my salvation: Through Christ's words and actions, I can learn how to be forgiven of my sins.  Through my faith in Jesus Christ, I can gain salvation and eternal life with my Father. {Doctrine & Covenants 14:7}

The Lord is my high tower: My Savior has higher ground than I do here in mortality and can see things I cannot see.  He can send comfort to me when I need it in order to help me through the difficulties that my life brings because He knows what my future brings--and that is HOPE. {Proverbs 3:5-6}

Thank you for indulging me and if you've read this, I hope that you've felt of the Love that our Savior has for each of us.  May we always remember Him, in all that we do and say, that one day we might sit down with Him in the Kingdom of our Father.  He is risen!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Christ Loved Us First!

Hello!  I have to say, I was incredibly pleasantly surprised to see that I won last week at Word Art Wednesday!  And the prize was from the fabulous Eclectic Anthology site by Avalon Rose.  DROOL.  Amazingly gorgeous vintage images, y'all!  So, of COURSE, I HAD to use one for my project this week! 

I've used an image from the Antique Catherine Klein Watercolor Paintings Graphics Collection.  Say that 10 times fast!  I chose to use an image of two love birds for this week's Word Art Wendsday challenge (John 4:19).  It'll make sense once you see it, I think. :)  I've also used other free digital scrapbooking elements that I felt matched the watercolor fabulously! 

Also, one last thing before I show you the print, I would like to submit this into Little Birdie Blessings' Scripture Thursday link party as well. :)

Here is my designed print~

And now, my thoughts on this verse.  I have often found that in order to find love in someone else, I need to first love them.  It is possible to love everyone--I know it is!  I also know it's incredibly hard.  But I have been in situations dealing with people I deem "difficult" and have been able to have a prayer in my heart that God will let me see how HE loves them.  And I have to tell you, it is one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced.

I work with children who have special needs.  It is very hard to be patient with them at times, and so loving them is the key.  Knowing how God loves them, that they are HIS children, and that their limitations will be for this life only, help me each day to be able to treat them with more Christ-like charity and to form bonds and relationships with them that are pleasing in His sight.

I also come in contact with many different personalities in people on a daily basis, as I know you do.  Where there is a difference of opinion, a disagreement on how things should be done, a dispute on what was said/meant, I know that a basis of love helps immensely.  Loving someone first creates a deeper bond with whichever brother or sister we are dealing with and helps us to remember that we literally are spiritual brothers and sisters.  When we do this, we continue to build God's kingdom on earth and become more like Him.  Which is our purpose here in mortality! 

God is our Father.  Because He loved us, He sent His Son.  Because His Son loved us first, we now love Him as our Savior and Redeemer.  I hope that this Easter season we each strive to do a little bit better each day, that we each try to build relationships based on Godly love, that we find greater happiness and joy in doing so.  Happy Easter!

(PS: Please feel free to use this for personal use--see the bottom of this blog for more details on the privacy clause of my creations.  Make sure to click on the image before saving and printing! :D)